Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Helter Skelter

Greetings. Today's post is brought to you by the Special K diet, because I have completed my first official day on it. Yay! It ain't half bad, either.

Hmm...haven't posted recently due to my best friend being in town from Arizona and me being out and about with her on a daily basis having a good time. Ahh...good times.

New video up soon? Maybe? Hopefully? Maybe I'll just be lazy and put up a video of me and Keri and Christina playing Imaginiff. We'll see.

Urgh. And this year the YouTube gathering is on the Saturday that's the same weekend as the NAMM show! Oh well, I bet my dad forgot to get passes anyway. I think I'll call him Rocky from now on, "So named for the rocks in his head!" Anyone who figures out what movie that's from gets a cookie and a big hug.

And finally, here's a quote from another favorite movie that I've mangled into something else. Bonus points if you figure out where this one originated from, too.

A Dream Sequence

Amy: Who are you?

Lucy: I'm lucille ball.

Amy: Cool! Who's she? *Points at the naked Indian.*

Lucy: A weird naked Indian.

Amy: Cool. Why have you brought me here?

Lucy: To help you find some answers, Amy.

Amy: Answers to what?

Lucy: Ask me a question.

Amy: Okay, two trains are traveling at 100 miles per hour, one from Chicago, one from Los Angeles...

Lucy: No, ask me a question about your life.

Amy: What am I supposed to do with my life?

Lucy: You should open a theater in West Hollywood, Amy.

Amy: How will I get the customers to come?

Lucy: If you show movies, they will come.

Amy: But I don't know how to run a theater!

Lucy: You must go to Arizona and find a woman named Keri, she was the greatest friend that ever lived. She was with me in the good times and the bad. She will help you. Any more questions?

Amy: Yes, will I ever get the box of purses I ordered?

Lucy: The seller was a lazy jackass. It will arrive as soon as you open a paypal dispute along with a sample of perfume and a box of pads.

Amy: How do I get back?

Lucy: Follow the weird naked indian.

Amy: Cool!

End Dream Sequence

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