Sunday, December 27, 2009

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Hey! Hope all you non-existent readers had a nice Christmas, if that's what you choose to celebrate. Mine was excellent, got a lot of nice stuff. I wasn't really in a Christmassy mood this year so I didn't have much of a list (usually I have a long color-coded list ready by Thanksgiving weekend, haha), so most of the stuff I got was a complete surprise. My mom knows pretty damn well what I like so it's all good stuff that I really like. I think I did an itemized list of what I got last year but I'm kind of tired and lazy and all the stuff I got is still in the living room.

I like how Christmas works with my family. A little something every day in December from my advent calendar, Christmas Eve morning open stockings, Christmas Eve night dinner at grandma's and opening presents from my grandma and my brother, midnight mass, then I have a freaking horrible time trying to sleep from excitement, wait until at least 7 AM (this year I woke up at 8), wake up my parents, pass out the presents, open everything, look at stuff for a while, then pass out for a few more hours (this year was about 11 AM until 3 PM), and then hang out in the living room the rest of the day enjoying my new stuff. I get dressed up for Christmas Eve and ALWAYS spend Christmas day in my pajamas. Always.

Didn't get to watch a lot of Christmas movies this year =/ Last year I pulled every Christmas movie we had out the week before Thanksgiving and scheduled what we would watch what night so that we got around to seeing everything...there were so many we had to watch 2 a night every night from Thanksgiving up until Christmas. This year I watched part of Deck The Halls, most of Christmas Vacation, and bits of other random stuff, which is sad. AND I ONLY WATCHED LIKE...1/4 OF TO GRANDMOTHER'S HOUSE WE GO! That's a tragedy. I love that movie dearly and have it practically memorized line by line. I should finish it before New Year's. Just wasn't a very Christmassy year this year, but oh well. Hopefully we'll be more organized and spirited next year.


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