Monday, July 27, 2009

Be Chrool To Your Scuel

Picking classes for when I register in a few days. Don't really know what to take, kind of considering taking a steel drum class because I love steel drums and it sounds like fun! History of rock music sounds cool too. Might take some fashion merchandising classes or something, I really have no idea. There is also a disproportionate number of songs listened to to the length of this blog entry, but for some reason in the middle of writing I got distracted and did a bit of reading on for a while. I love that website! I totally want to take the tour. Now I'm off to bed, goodnight!

Now playing: Electric Light Orchestra - Bluebird
via FoxyTunes

Now playing: Desi Arnaz - Rumba Matumba
via FoxyTunes

Now playing: Danzig - Buick Mckane
via FoxyTunes

Now playing: Danzig - Mother
via FoxyTunes

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