Nothing too exciting to report at the moment. Summer's moving right along, I need to go take placement tests for my math and English classes. I can't believe the semester starts in less than a month =[ I think my proudest accomplishment so far this summer is one that I finished today (well, technically yesterday). I watched the entire fourth season of Full House in three days! Yay! Before that I finally finished off the second season of The Golden Girls and now I'm working on the first season of The Whitest Kids U' Know, which shouldn't take too long because there are only 10 episodes. After that I may start up the first season of Wonder Showzen, I'm not too sure. All I know is that I really need to get rid of this giant stack of DVDs that's staring at me.
I've also been trying to organize my clothes. I've pulled nearly all of my shirts out of their various drawers, cabinets, and closets and gone through them to decide what goes where. Eventually I'm going to move onto pants and skirts, and then finally dresses and whatever's hiding in the closet in my room since I kind of avoid that closet. I've also been going through some of my shoes and hiding away those that I don't wear that often. I'm planning on counting up all my different categories (t-shirts by color, other shirts, shoes, purses, pants by type, etc.) and I'll post a full rundown once I'm done. For now I'm going to go take a shower and either play some Sims 3 or take a whack at Whitest Kids!
Now playing: Laura Branigan - Gloria
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: Alice Cooper - Sick Things [Live]
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: Marc Bolan & T. Rex - The Slider
via FoxyTunes
Friday, July 24, 2009
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