Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Life On Mars

Wow. It's been forever since I've updated this! What's happened since we last spoke? Well for one thing, I had the most amazing experience at a mini-mart that you could ever possibly have. My mom and I like to drive around randomly in the middle of the night sometimes, and we decided to stop at this mini-mart for something to drink at like 12:30 in the morning. First thing we notice as we get out of the car is classical music playing super loud through the entire gas station. The second we stepped inside we were hit by a very strong incense smell. Now, both of these things are a little strange but not that weird. It was the clerk who really made the experience. He was this skinny black guy with glasses and an ascot sitting behind the counter reading some giant textbook...not sure why, but he reminded me of the butler on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. When we went to pay, he greeted us with an over-exaggerated, but somehow not rude, "Good morning, ladies." Who really says good morning at half-past midnight? Plus, he spoke in an obviously fake British accent, which was weird. We were impressed by the fact he didn't even use the cash register and did the math to give us change in his head, you don't expect people who work at mini-marts and fast food joints to be able to do that. Now, this was quite a while ago so I don't remember all the details, but I just remember it being hilarious and I had to turn around, bite my lip, and hold my breath until I could leave the store to keep from laughing. I really want to go back and stop in there again sometime.

You want to know what else happened in the month of October? I got the greatest Christmas present ever, that's what! The exceptionally early gift was from my dad. He bought me tickets and a VIP pass to see Alice Cooper at the Nokia in LA. I was super psyched about it in the first place because the first time I met Alice I was unable to speak, haha, and I wanted to be able to say a little something to him. Plus I got fifth-row center seats! That was awesome enough, but then came the most mind-blowingly amazing thing ever. Everyone who bought VIP passes was entered in a contest, which I knew about but brushed off figuring I would never win. I wound up completely forgetting about it until the day before the concert, when I got an e-mail informing me I had won. What exactly did I win? I GOT TO BE ON STAGE WITH ALICE COOPER. DURING THE CONCERT. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!! I remember getting the e-mail. I was just waking up, and I always check my BlackBerry for e-mails and texts and anything else I might have missed while I was sleeping. Browsing through the e-mail subjects, nothing caught my eye until I saw "CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO JOIN ALICE COOPER ON STA..." I couldn't believe it! At first I thought it was just a prank, but it wasn't. I called my mom right away to tell her the news. It was the most exciting thing ever! I don't think I fully believed it until it happened though, and even then I was in awe of what was happening to me. I got to go up on stage for the finale, while Alice Cooper was singing School's Out and surprise freakin' guest Slash was shredding, and I got to help throw giant balloons in the crowd. I loved seeing the reactions of the people I had been sitting around when they noticed I was up there instead of next to them, hahaha. Afterwards I got to walk past Slash backstage and hang out with Alice and the 9 other VIP pass holders in Alice's dressing room, which was awesome. When I had met him before it was in a crowded room and it was basically a free-for-all, so this was a lot more relaxed and fun. I even got Shep Gordon's autograph and I got to see Sheryl! For those not as Alice-obsessed as I am, Shep is his long-time manager and Sheryl is his wife. That was probably the greatest night of my life. I caught one of Ace Frehley's guitar picks too, but that doesn't even measure up to how awesome the rest of my night was. So if you were at the Nokia on October 28th, 2009 to see Alice Cooper, you saw me up there on stage at the end!

I think that anything else that happened since I've written last would sound pretty damn boring in comparison to that. I did finally finish watching Life On Mars though. Didn't see that ending coming! Oh, and I have a pretty awesome boyfriend. Goodnight =]