Thursday, April 10, 2008


Blaaaargh.  I'm hungry.  And it's 4 AM.  And I'm lazy.  Boohoo =[

I'm kinda sleepy and I know I should go to sleep so I think I will in a few minutes here.  I just felt like posting some nothingness.

It's cold in here!  But alas, I can curl up in bed whilst I write this, as I have finally gone 100% wireless!  Yipee!  No more darn 50 foot ethernet cord to drag around the house with me.  I have this here MacBook, my Wii, my PS3, and the desktop connected wirelessly.  It's quite fabulous.

What else is new you ask?  (Wow, now I'm hearing questions from nonexistent readers.)  I've been cleaning!  It's amazing!  I emptied out one whole box of junk I had sitting around and I've started putting stuff that needs to go into storage in it.  I've also got my desk 98% clean.  I rearranged a bunch of crap to optimize the space, took some stuff off, and now it's looking lovely.  The only stuff that still has to find a new home is the stuffed frog my parents gave me when I got back from Tucson, which I think will look nice on top of my bookshelf, my camera tripod, which I can just stick inside the camera bag, some pictures that I need to hang up, and the Chia Head that I got for Christmas which is still in the box because I haven't figured out the best place to set it up yet.

Hmm...other than that...just been doing homework, drumming, and playing The Sims.  I do love that game.

But I've blathered on for far too long, so alas, it is time I sleep.  Farewell!

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