Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Quake! A Quake!

So today was a super-duper exciting day!  First, I was sleeping and at about 9 AM my big 85 pound chocolate lab (Toby) came in and stuck his wet nose against my face and then curled up next to me.  I fell back asleep, UNTIL 11:42!  That was freaking scary.  If you live in a cave and haven't heard yet, at 11:42 AM PST, a 5.4 magnitude earthquake hit the Southern California area.  Now, I love earthquakes and I find them very exciting, but never again in my life do I want to be awakened by one.  I have a lot of stuff in my room on shelves, a shelf right above my head where I sleep (Smart, huh?  At least it's little.), and pictures hanging all over (again, some are over my bed...I win the genius award...I'm not moving them though ahaha because I have no more wall space).  The tremors were very small at first and I thought that either a large truck was going by, because my house tends to shake when they do pass, or my dad was doing something with a power tool since we're remodeling our bathroom.  The shaking seemed a little powerful for either of those but they seemed like viable options.  Before I could roll over and go back to sleep, however, the shaking got VERY intense.  My large shelf unit next to my bed began shaking violently and I shot up, screamed (which shows how surprised I was because I'm not really a screamer), and flung myself into the center of my bed (which, again, I'm very smart because that put me directly under my fan) and watched with blurred vision (because I was way too startled to put my glasses on) as numerous stuffed animals, plastic spears, and Alice Cooper and Johnny Depp dolls came flying at me, and most of it landed on my bed where I had been laying so I'm glad I moved.  I probably should have tried to get under a table or something but with two computer towers under my desk I wouldn't be able to fit there, and to get to the dining room table I would have had to run into the hall past my cabinet which was propelling all of my lotions everywhere, through the door, through the living room (dodging the wall-mounted TV in case it fell), and under the table (where small glass knick-knacks were being propelled).  So I suppose I was actually better off where I was. I wish I would have put my glasses on though because my dad said he could see the walls shaking.  The shaking lasted for what seemed like a good 15 or 30 seconds, again I was half asleep so I really have no idea.  Earthquakes make such a bizarre rumbling noise, it's a little unnerving haha.

So yeah, my mom came inside and we tried calling my brother and my grandma but our landline was down and the cell phones were all tied up.  Shortly after though my grandma managed to call my cell phone and we made sure everyone was okay.  I turned on the TV and left the news on all day long, until around 7 PM or so.  Not really sure why since there wasn't much damage or anything, but you just can't beat the excitement a natural disaster brings.  An hour or two after the initial 'quake, I felt one aftershock that only lasted a couple of seconds but did give two good jolts.  I, of course, was still wrapped up in my blanket in bed watching TV and talking excitedly to my friends on Facebook about what had just happened.  I was also busily informing everyone who was out of state what they had just missed =]  But...yeah...

OH and also adding to the the afternoon I received my eBay purchase!  YAY!  I ordered the Wayne's World VCR board game, and I'm so excited to play it!  It's unused too, all the cards are still wrapped and everything.  Tomorrow I'll have to give it a run so I can make sure the tape works before I leave feedback.

So now I'm going to attempt to go to sleep, even though I'm a little scared to because:
A) I really don't want to be woken up by an earthquake again, haha.
B) Earlier, my mom and I both smelled chlorine and the scent of something electrical burning.  Now, I love the smell of chlorine (because I'm weird like that) but we have no idea where it was coming from.  Same for the burning smell.  So I'm afraid I'm going to like asphyxiate or the house is going to spontaneously combust or something.  But it's been a couple hours and the smells seem to have gone away and I'm still alive so I suppose it's safe.

Gosh, I wrote a lot!  And I used way too many parentheses, haha.  OH, and the damn earthquake magically made the damn cuckoo clock start working again!  AHHHH!  Oh well.  I'll leave you with what I HAD to watch today =]  And yes, I do remember the Northridge 'Quake, that one was fun.  At least I was already awake when that happened (don't ask why a 2 year old was awake at 4:30 or whenever it happened...I really don't know, but I can vividly remember the events).  ANYWAYS I'm having a serious problem with ranting right now as I typically do after excitement such as this sooo let's cut to the video!

1 comment:

Jonny said...

Dang quakes can be scary though.
I'm Jonny by the way!
I came across your blog while browsing,
i'm glad I did though because I like it.
Well feel free to read/comment my posts.
I'd greatly appreciate it.